Ron Sellers Quotes (4 Quotes)

    A lot of churches out there don't think through the use of the Internet as a strategic tool. They simply think, 'We need an Internet site -- put something up.' So that, I think, really lends itself to an incomplete use of what the Internet does have to offer.

    Whats really sad is that six out of ten churchgoers told us they believe the Bible commands them to tithe 10 percent or more of their incomes, yet other studies have consistently shown that under one out of ten actually do that. In other words, at least half of all Protestants are clear on what they believe theyre supposed to be giving, but consistently dont give it.

    When we work with individual charitable organizations, there's often an assumption that Christians support Christian ministries over non-religious organizations. This study conclusively shows that assumption to be false, and that in fact over half of all Protestant churchgoers dont even give any preference to Christian organizations in their giving decisions. It's critical that Christian organizations really understand this about their target market.

    When we look at behavior patterns of most Americans, we're really doing minor things to make a difference. There's not a lot of difference, in many ways, from evangelicals and the public at large.

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