Russell Lewis Quotes (7 Quotes)

    If you're a person who has a disability, you do look at the world differently.

    In March ... advertising began to weaken, particularly in travel-related categories, when it became apparent that war was imminent and advertisers delayed placements,

    At the very least it demonstrates a lack of communication between trainer and foreman and the revelation that Vasil administered bicarb routinely to night feeds and morning feeds is extra gross negligence amounting to recklessness,

    The board has no difficulty in characterising the negligence of Vasil as being gross negligence amounting to recklessness,

    Revenue growth in our newspaper group was very robust, driven by strong national advertising at both the Times and the Globe, ... Given our first-half performance and the outlook for the balance of the year, we believe 2000 will be yet another record year for the company.

    Based on our performance for the first five months and our outlook for the balance of the 2000, we believe that the company is on course for another record-breaking year, ... This would mark our sixth consecutive year of double-digit EPS growth.

    It gives people a sense of pride and identity of where they live, ... And if there is a sense of ownership, a resident can take that personal responsibility beyond the front door.

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