Saeb Erakat Quotes on War & Peace (21 Quotes)

    Israel is presenting 3,000 reasons why it is undermining the peace process, ... This will destroy the possibility of a Palestinian state and the two-state solution.

    This will have serious negative repercussions. We call upon the quartet the United States, European Union, Russia and United Nations to exert every possible effort in order to introduce the road map for peace.

    The basic ingredient for all the ails that we are witnessing there is the continuation of the Israeli occupation, and this must end, ... President Arafat is determined to exert every possible effort in order to ensure ... the Israeli occupation is finished and peace is made once and all.

    We call upon the U. N. Security Council to intervene directly in order to get an immediate cease-fire. This attack should not deter efforts to resume the peace process.

    If they want peace, they must know that what is happening in the Gaza Strip must happen in the West Bank and east Jerusalem,

    The decision to delay the declaration until after the Israeli elections will result in a political vacuum and a policy of inaction. The road map should have been declared so that the Israelis can choose between peace based on a two-step solution or no peace with the continuation of the occupation.

    I don't think Sharon had intended by doing this tonight to give the peace process any chance at all. Nothing justifies the targeting and the bombardment of this residential area.

    Peace and security will not be derived through walls and through incursions and through assassination. It will only be attained through a meaningful peace process that will end the Israeli occupation and establish a Palestinian state next to the state of Israel.

    If Mr. Sharon is in the government, we all know the peace process will be over,

    We hope that the Israeli government will take into account that the torpedoing of the peace process, of the collapse of the peace process, will really harm not only the Palestinians, but also the Israelis and it will harm the whole region,

    I think that this is a very clear cut message that the war being waged by Israel against the Palestinians is not a war against terror, as they call it, it's a war to maintain occupation, it's a war to sustain occupation, it's a war to beef up the settlement activities and to introduce more and physically impact on the ground as far as Jerusalem is concerned.

    But I want to make clear, if Israel wants peace, they know the address. It is Palestinian elected leadership -- we who will make peace. We who, with Israelis, work to break this vicious cycle of violence.

    The least important issue today is my resignation. The real issue is the lives of Palestinians and Israelis, breaking the vicious cycle and reviving the peace process and putting it back on track.

    If he wants to see the future generations of Palestinians and Israelis living in peace, what are the forces doing in the West Bank and Gaza.

    We regret this decision, which will mean a political vacuum and further escalation on the ground, and we do believe that, for the sake of the Middle East people, the international community should have focused on reviving the peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and not on war against Iraq.

    This is part of the reform program, an attempt to regain the confidence of the Palestinian people, and to proceed with reform in terms of accountability and transparency. We also hope we will be able to re-engage with the Americans, and with the Israelis as far as the peace process is concerned.

    I'd hoped we'd go to the summit having lifted the siege, having stopped the hostilities, having had the international inquiry so we can concentrate on what kind of transition we need between this period and back to the peace process,

    Those who planned the attack in Tel Aviv, which we condemn in the strongest possible terms, had the objective of stopping and undermining the peace process, and they should not win. We should continue the process of negotiation.

    The essential element here is not to waste time. It is also important to revive, in the minds of Palestinians and Israelis, hope in peace.

    These type of actions will only will lead to further violence and will hinder the chances for a peace process.

    This is part of their the Israelis' continued plan to undermine the peace process and to undermine the Palestinian Authority,

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