Sarah Stoesz Quotes (8 Quotes)

    It's geography coupled with the extreme rural nature of the state, the difficulty with scheduling an appointment on a day a doctor will be here. It's already very hard here.

    This is proof-positive that Gov. Rounds cares more about politics than about the health and safety of women in South Dakota. In every state, women, their families, and their doctors should be making private, personal health care decisions not politicians.

    We have to fly in doctors from Minnesota. There are no doctors in South Dakota who will work for Planned Parenthood or who will perform abortions.

    People in South Dakota are angry. Gov. Mike Rounds' popularity has dropped by 14 points.

    We will not walk away from the women of South Dakota. But we'd be entering a different world.

    The people of South Dakota are so angry about this ban. And our phones have been ringing off the hook and our e-mail is just jammed.

    We haven't decided yet. We're trying to sort out our strategy. Clearly the people are very unhappy about this law.

    There already were huge logistical mountains to climb for women in South Dakota. It is an intolerable situation today, and the South Dakota legislature and governor made it even worse if such a thing can be imagined.

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