Sathya Baba Quotes on Children (6 Quotes)

    The Avatar is a child to the children, a boy to the boys, a man among men, a woman among women, so that the Avatars message might reach each heart and receive enthusiastic response as Ananda. It is the compassion of the Avatar that prompts His every action.

    The mother must set the example in holding out the shrine as the heart of the house hold She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service.

    Do not have any misunderstanding amongst you. All of you should live in amity as the children of one mother.

    Mothers of those days were women of great piety and noble character.They practiced virtue and set an example to the children only from the wombs of such noble women were born sons of high character

    How can I tolerate the slightest inconvenience to them, the women, the children, the sick, the aged, the blind, the decrepit, that come for counsel, consolation, courage and cure

    As today is a sacred day dedicated to women, they should change themselves and help to change the men and the children. They should develop the qualities of sympathy, compassion love and sacrifice.

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