Sathya Baba Quotes on Countries (15 Quotes)

    Only dedicated mothers can offer to the nation children who will strive for a great future for the country.

    Unity is vital for all, wherever they are and whatever their country, religion or sex. Love should be the unifying force..Teachers Promote the sense of human unity among all people, without regard to race, religion or caste.

    Never bring grief or sorrow to your country.

    Be discriminating when dispensing charity. In the name of charity or philanthropy, we tend to do injustice to one's country.

    The Yoga science is today being probed by physicists and others in Western countries.

    Having trust and faith in your own country, you won't try to put down any other country.

    Love of the country is the basis on which you can build love for the world community.

    What is needed today is that we should lead a life of good quality. The fostering of sterling character and good conduct is the need of the world. Once we have greater numbers of such people of good quality, the country and the world will become prosperous and peaceful.

    Follow your cultural and religious customs in your own home, but do not attempt to impose them on society. Rather than this, love each person as your own brother or sister, not seeing him or her as belonging to another creed, religion, or country.

    The basic Truth in all religions, irrespective of country or race is one and the same.

    Each country is but a room in the mansion of GOD.

    Even as you are a citizen of your motherland but respect all countries, also respect all religions equally.

    Students should acquire human values, in addition to their scholastic, intellectual and other attainments. It is the decline in human values that accounts for the degradation of human beings in the country today.

    Reform the body, reconstruct the mind, regulate the way of living, then, the country will become automatically strong and prosperous.

    Do not differentiate on the basis of race, caste, creed, or country.

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