Sathya Baba Quotes on Humility (7 Quotes)

    You can find the footprints of God wherever there is beauty, virtue, humility, justice, truth, love and peace.

    Purification of the mind is attained through humility, integrity and a sense of justice.

    WHEN you stand before another, his image is in your eye and your image is in his have you not observed this You are in Him, I am in you, that is the Truth this phenomenon proclaims. When you believe in this, and when you cultivate Love, Humility, Reverence for Life and Tolerance, you are on the Right Path. When you are not on this Path, that is to say, when you are traveling left, you are certainly left out when it is a question of sharing Divine Grace.

    The mother must set the example in holding out the shrine as the heart of the house hold She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service.

    Alongside of knowledge, youth has to cultivate the good qualities of humility, reverence, devotion to God and steadfast faith. He has to engage himself in good works and enjoy them for the sheer elation they confer.

    Modesty and devotion to God are real jewels for woman kind. The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is to be raised.

    Without modesty, woman is devoid of beauty and culture. Humility, purity of thought and manners, meekness, surrender to high ideals, sensitivity, sweetness of temper -the peculiar blend of all these qualities is modesty. It is the most invaluable of all jewels for women.

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