Sathya Baba Quotes on Nature (14 Quotes)

    The nature of the food determines the nature of one' s thoughts,feelings and actions.

    Virtue is the fragrance of the flowers which the tree of life puts forth. Educated people must be identified in society by their strict adherence to virtue, not by more skilled methods of escaping the consequences of vice.

    The tree can teach you forbearance and tolerance. It offers shade to all, irrespective of age, sex or religion, nationality or status. It helps with fruit and shade even to the foe who lays his axe on its trunk The dog can teach you a lesson in Faith, Self-less service and the process of Dedication.

    In truth you cannot understand the nature of My Reality, either today, or even after a thousand years of steady austerity or ardent inquiry, even if all mankind joins in that effort.

    A man who has no love in him is as barren as a cloud with no moisture, a tree with no fruits or a cow yielding no milk he is ever far from God and can never earn His Grace.

    God is the SeedThe Universe is the Tree, Impulses and passions are the branches, Intelligence is the flower, Pure Consciousness is the fruit, Love is the sweetness in the fruit.

    Is it possible for this boundless creation to be brought into existence by man, if there had been no Divine Principle behind it For instance, fire is latent in the branches of a tree and in the tree itself. If the branches rub against each other, they may generate a fire which could burn down the tree, branches and all.

    In the modern world, youth should know the nature of true love. Many from abroad, mix with persons of the opposite sex, calling them boy friend and girl friend. If you really love each other you must get married and not continue living as friends.

    Human values are born with man. They are not got from outside. Man in his ignorance is not aware of these values. when man sheds his ignorance, he will experience his divine nature.

    When God is reflected as Nature, the reflection becomes Maya.

    Man today is trying to master every kind of knowledge but is unable to discover his own true nature.

    Food conditions the nature of the mind. Mind guides the thinking. Thinking results in action. Actions lead to commensurate or matching results and effects. This chain of action between the food we eat and the results of our actions highlights the fact that meat eating leads to beastly actions and the concomitant evil effects.

    You must not be a bit of blotting paper, absorbing all the passions and emotions, all the joys and grief that the actress of Nature demonstrates of the stages of life.

    Nature can be modified by nurture even dogs can cease to relish meat when they are trained to relish only vegetarian food.

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