Sathya Baba Quotes on Place (8 Quotes)

    The mysteries of creation are marvelous. When two persons meet at any time or place, the differences between them are patent. Their forms and manners differ. They differ in their cleverness and intelligence. Their opinions also vary. Without understanding what underlies these differences, the materialist thinker emphasizes the differences. Today, a growing number of intellectuals, ignoring the unity that underlies the diversity, propagate the cult of differences. The good persons who realize the unity behind the apparent diversity are dwindling in numbers from day to day. This is highly unfortunate.

    To ask why a happening in one place did not take place in another place also is the sign of a confused mind. The Divine Author decides what should happen when and where. As He decides, so it takes place.

    Do not worry about anything. Place yourself fully at His disposal, He knows. He has written the Play and He knows how it will end and how it will go on. Yours is but to act and retire. The Lord alone is aware of the Play, for His is the Plan You see only the part of the Play on the stage and so it is all very confused. When the entire story is unfolded, then you will appreciate His plan, not until then for that, you will have to get behind the screen of Maya and contact the Director Himself.

    Do not be misled into error and loss. The time will soon come when this huge building or even vaster ones will be too small for the gathering of those who are called to this place.

    The Divine Will, operating through the force of love, does all this. For example, though there are thousands gathered here, absolute silence prevails. Under what compulsion Only the compulsion of love. In other places, where a hundred people collect, a hundred and fifty constables are present to keep them quiet.

    I am also the target of such comments, people do not understand the way of God. How can they know why particular event takes place at a particular time in a particular manner He alone can know. But people try to sit in judgment and talk ill, when for example one dies of illness at this place, how can anyone escape death

    You should not stay for even one second at a place where people are speaking disrespectfully of a saint.

    Since at this place, those who have devotion have gathered and people of all nations have come, I cannot but tell you one fact.

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