Sathya Baba Quotes on Work & Career (14 Quotes)

    Work disinterestedly. Content to do one's duty as best as one can.

    The narrow-minded who undertake any work will never be satisfied. They cannot understand the actions of those who are large hearted and broad-minded.

    O Lord, take my everything and let me be an instrument for thy work.

    In spite of the declarations, you will notice in the career of the same Krishna that He underwent defeat in His efforts or endeavors, on a few occasions you must have also noted that those defeats too, were part of the drama, which He had planned, and He Himself directed.

    Man's desires and pitfalls are placed there so that I may do My work. When you give up totally, then the temptations will fade. I will never give up on you. Every slip will become harder and harder to bear and less easy to remedy.

    There is sweet water inside a tender coconut. Who poured the water inside the coconut Was it the work of any man No. Only the Divine can do such a thing.

    If you have the inclination to do good work, God will give you the time to do good things.

    Some of you may be wondering, How does Swami arrange these elaborate festivals and functions Who does He charge with the various items of work

    For the progress of humanity, work alone is not adequate, but the work should be associated with love, compassion, right conduct, truthfulness and sympathy. Without the above qualities, selfless service cannot be performed.

    Do not be idle, work, utter Gods name and read the scriptures.

    Over and over, again and again, until I make you see that the past no longer works. I challenge you and tempt you every day with your past, so that you may see that the past is the ultimate delusion.

    Life starts with Love. The sweetness of love coming out of life is the great and unique principle that is at the source of everything. You can put this love in any field of work.

    Spend a few minutes every morning and evening in the Silence of your own shrine or home spend them with the highest of all the Powers that you know of. Be in His elevating and Inspiring company worship Him mentally offer unto Him all the work you do you will come out of the silence nobler and more heroic than when you went in.

    Duty is God Work is worship. Even the tiniest work is a flower placed at the Feet of God.

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