Scott Hatteberg Quotes (23 Quotes)

    He's a pretty even-keeled guy. That helps, especially this year. It's hard enough when you are going through all the ups and downs. If you have to deal with that and a manager who's up and down, that's more of a pain than you need.

    Looking back, it's amazing where we're at. Considering that, this is the team we expected to have coming out of training camp.

    I was a little - I wouldn't say nervous - but kind of disappointed that the opportunities I thought I was going to have weren't there. I was considering taking lesser jobs, and this came along and I can't tell you how thrilled I was.

    You really have to look at the development part of the organization. A lot of teams just go out and buy players, and this team is built from within. You have got to give general managers credit for getting certain guys to fill holes, and then you are able to compete.

    We knew our backs were against the wall, ... It was an all-out team effort today. Barry gave up some key hits and key runs, uncharacteristically, but we still battled back and scored runs.

    It was good to see us bounce back, ... You look at them, a bunch of Hall of Famers and All-Stars, and they're phenomenal. We've been hearing about that all year, but you get into September, and we've got the same record as them.

    There hasn't been any of that. Nobody's going to feel sorry for us, and we're not going to feel sorry for ourselves. We know we're not as good a team without those guys. We know that every guy has to pick up a little slack because of it. Bottom line, we're hanging in there. We're right there without them.

    He's very, very good, and we got a few runs off him, but our pitching was huge for us tonight. We needed that if we were going to beat him.

    Mulder surprised me more than Hudson. I wasn't surprised that Hudson got traded because we only had him for a year more. We had Mulder for a couple more. Billy is not one to have a couple good years and then completely start over. He saw an opportunity to get some quality guys and he jumped on it. It's really paid off. It's pretty amazing.

    Feel it It is one of the more amazing things I've felt here. It's the resilience and the ability mentally for the team not to fold. They come back from deficits that where I came from (Oakland) they'd say let's get through nine and look for tomorrow.

    If you were to look at our schedule, this is the toughest seven-day stretch of our year, ... They are two places we have not played well. We really have to buckle down and play well.

    I saw (the ball) pretty good. Maybe he left some balls over the plate that he probably didn't place where he wanted to. But pitchers are going to do that. You've just got to not miss it when they do.

    I think he's a great guy. He's not a guy that gets too excited about anything. That's good when you go through something we went through. He was a stabilizing (factor).

    This is probably the toughest seven-day stretch of our year, in two places we haven't played real well. So we really need to buckle down and play as well as we can.

    There's just a confidence in the dugout right now. It's not a fear of losing, it's, 'We're going to win.

    I feel fresh, I feel strong. Last year, I hit a wall physically and it took a toll at the plate. This year, I feel good.

    Those are two places we haven't played well, ... so we're really going to have to buckle down.

    It's a good win today, not a must-win but pretty darn important. The little things are something we've really got to do consistently.

    It would have been nice to win, but that's the way it goes. At this place, the way that team battles, it's very tough. The conditions were very bad, but we battled them all night. We just have to take that play into tomorrow night.

    It was tough. There were some plays we needed to make that would have kept us out of some of those big innings. You've got to stay away from them, especially in this ballpark.

    It's opened some things up for my playing time, personally. And I think getting (Bronson) Arroyo here - I've faced him a lot and he's a quality pitcher who will help out a lot. It's a good thing.

    Offensively, it's just not something you can sustain for long periods. You need some help. Sheets - I don't think I've ever faced him, and boy, you're going to have to pitch good just to stay in the game with him and Bronson was just awesome. It was a great battle.

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