Scott Rolen Quotes (43 Quotes)

    I'm not going to get down on myself if I have a bad day or two in early March, or if I can't get on the field for a couple days in a row in early March because something happens. It's a trial process that I have to come back. I've said it a thousand times, but my point is April 3rd is my date.

    It's a big part of that a lot of people don't understand. We had a good pulse here. You looked forward every day to coming to the park. Everybody was a big part of the team. It'll be like that again, but it takes awhile for guys to become familiar with one another.

    I made a lot of good things happen today.

    But that's a good thing. That's a positive thing. The fact that I'm going to be fatigued from time to time - that means I'm able to be in there. I'm only seven months (from surgery). ... Late in spring training I felt I turned the corner. I felt great the first couple weeks. I threw a bunch of games together. To me, that's great news.

    Right now I'm turned loose and I'm hitting off the tee and playing golf, running, lifting, strength training, lifting as much as I want to lift. I'm not restricted right now. In my range of motion, I'm right at the very end of everything -- five degrees is what they're telling me.

    My understanding is that I should have no trouble getting back for spring training. It's a six-month rehab, maybe, and I have a little extra time in there. Hopefully, I should have no trouble coming back from the first day on.

    There is a schedule that I'll see some games shortly - a nice amount of off days mixed in there. It seems reasonable and logical on paper. If it goes well, we'll see what else we can do. I'm eager to get to the field.

    I can't lift my arms, so there's not much I can do about it. I couldn't control what happened and I'm not going to kick rocks at my head about it.

    Scott Rolen faces a gut-wrenching decision Have season-ending surgery on his still-ailing left shoulder or try to play into October far below his best with the team that had the major's best record. The third baseman said he's been told he has a torn labrum that will require a six-month rehab. He wants to weigh his admittedly dismal options. I have a chance of being part of something pretty special, or walk around in a sling, ... One of the questions is, what's my best chance to win a ring as a St. Louis Cardinal It might be not to play, and that's not an easy decision to say 'I can't help this team, I can hurt this team so my best shot at winning a World Series is not to play.'

    We've always had a tough time playing them.

    It was actually right in front of us. The door was shut. We're not used to having a bathroom in the dugout.

    I didn't really have a decision. I know my body. I know my shoulder. This was the only choice right now.

    There was a debate in the third where the bathroom was. We had a search party out for the bathroom it was actually right in front of us. The door was closed.

    He had good life on his ball. I think if you go around and talk to a bunch of hitters, they'll say they have a hard time picking the ball up. The ball gets on you. He's sneaky. He kept the ball down and moved it around and had good life on it.

    There are some things I need to work on just to get a feel back. I haven't played baseball for a while. I need to get some timing ... get some feel back. That stuff is going to be done in the cage and out here with coaches BP. This is a big test for me. I made contact. A lot of good things happened today.

    This is as good as I've felt physically, without question, with the shoulder since (2002).

    There are a lot of swings I haven't taken, but I get to start over and start fresh. If I have some soreness, and I could have some setbacks along the way, that's not unheard of. But I'm not afraid of that.

    No different than any other year. Played it the same as every year, no swings the first time out.

    I've been healthy. My shoulder has been feeling good and I've been able to respond. As long as I can stay healthy and stay strong, I'll run out on the field every day.

    Everything feels normal. No problems at all.

    It's beautiful it's a beautiful ballpark. It's probably a little early to say it feels like home, but the people make it home.

    Don't dive for 10 days. I think the doctor pulled that number out of a hat.

    My decision is going to be, am I able to play baseball, and I couldn't before. If I can't lift my arm and get a shirt down, I can't play baseball.

    I had the surgery. I'm going to be in a sling for another week or so, then we'll go from there, ... The shoulder's been repaired. Everything is moving ahead.

    I really didn't have a decision. I know my body. Timing was the issue.

    This is a longer process, no doubt. This is a more serious rehab. There it was kind of a healing time, and once I was done healing, then I could just strengthen and come right back. I had no loss of range of motion or anything like that. My range of motio

    I don't know if there's a magic number of at-bats for me to take in spring training. I'm not going to worry about it if I don't get to a certain number down here. I feel like I'm making progress, and that's what I thought this was all about.

    I feel good I feel ready to play. I'm ready to at least go see what we have going.

    I really didn't have a decision. This is my only choice right now, to get the procedure done.

    Now would I have taken eight or 10 weeks Sure, I would have. At the time, I'm ready to go, the doc says I'm ready to go, it's fine.

    When all the smoke clears, he says, you don't have any options, you have to have surgery. Not maybe, it's no, you cannot. The timing is the issue, that's the decision to make.

    I'll take three hits on Opening Day anywhere. I felt better the last two weeks of spring. I felt I could drive the ball. Things change when you get in a major-league stadium, the atmosphere changes, the ball seems to travel a little farther.

    I have a chance of being part of something pretty special, or walk around in a sling, ... One of the questions is, what's my best chance to win a ring as a St. Louis Cardinal

    I almost threw up because I had a lot of gum in my mouth, but I feel good about my performance.

    It's not supposed to be personal. It's not about you. It's not about your opponent. It's about the game. It's about it being an honor to put the uniform on at this level. Don't bring it down from that.

    I feel good. At this point, the only thing I'm trying to do is accumulate at-bats and get my work in, and so far that's what I'm doing.

    He's an eight-time Gold Glove outfielder I'm certainly not worried about Jim Edmonds. I'm certainly not worried about him at the plate, I'm certainly not worried about him in the field. He's a huge part of this team, and right in the middle of everything.

    For an organization and a stadium with the richness and history that it has, to be traded over in '02 and selected to this, it's surprising, shocking and much appreciated,

    A lot of people liked the old place. It had some history. A lot of great players played there. The way the game's going, the trend of the game, is to have new ballparks.

    I'm not in any rush. There's two programs floating around, one is to lay low, the longer you take the stronger you'll get. The other is pretty much the same, basically to take things slow and let how things go decide when he will play in a game.

    I'm not good at that. I've never been good at that. Day game after a day game, I expect to be able to play. (Saturday) I might have been a little sore, a little tight. But if I can take 24 hours, I expect to come back and play again. If I wake up (Sunday) and it's still that way, then you talk about it.

    He tested my strength, and everybody has tested the repair itself and the way it was done. Everybody said 'Get out of here, you're good.

    The thinking right now is I'd rather break camp healthy. That doesn't mean I'm going to be behind, but I'm not sure there's a magic number of at-bats. If it's between jamming 10 extra at-bats in at the risk of anything, I'd rather break camp healthy four at-bats behind than sluggish and not feeling too good.

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