Scott Rothbort Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Earnings still grew, sales are growing ... and you know what They haven't even begun to penetrate China yet.

    It's great that Amazon has positive cash flow, but why should I pay a premium for that. At one time Amazon had a technology advantage, but that technology is easily duplicated.

    This is a work in progress and a company that's transitioning. Don't expect instant gratification here.

    The poor ratings on the TV show equated in my mind to the fact that management of Martha Stewart Living no longer had the clout to enter into new deals or to announce any kind of new Martha Stewart-related projects that would give the stock further support.

    Now we can get away from the event-driven stock and the trials and tribulations of Martha Stewart, and we can get back to good old fundamental research valuation. Basically, the stock just isn't worth it.

    People are starting to realize that Sears is moving in the right direction and is a good investment.

    I think Burger King hit bottom around two years ago and they are improving off of that bottom but to equate them to McDonald's or even think that they are going to be a force to be reckoned with ... is a mistake.

    He brings energy and excitement to investing by injecting the fast-money trader mentality into the buy-and-hold investor. You have to filter out some of the histrionics, but if you listen carefully, his message is to do your homework.

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