Scott Stricklin Quotes (9 Quotes)

    it's being talked about. We'll probably do whatever the fans want. It's the ultimate fan event. You don't charge for tickets and there's not a whole lot accomplished other than showing the fans a good time.

    (Barnhart) had some things he shared with them to make sure they knew how he felt about it. He keeps pretty good tabs on what's going on, both good and bad.

    I think this may be a case of revisionist history, where somebody said 15 years later Coach Rupp said something, and he didn't say it.

    If at some point he's ruled eligible to play, he would have to be in class already.

    We're not going to respond to allegations that are not accompanied by factual information.

    Since we have no answer yet, we'll proceed as if he'll be allowed to come back. Till we hear otherwise.

    It's always good to have a win going into the weekend. This weekend is really important for the MAC standings, and I think our guys are ready.

    The neat thing about the movie coming out when it did is that it gives us an opportunity to lift this team up and hold them in very high esteem, which is what they deserve.

    It's just a personnel matter. We just decided to make a change in that area.

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