Sen. Bell Quotes (8 Quotes)

    I'm having a really hard time with this bill because of its omnibus nature.

    It addresses our national concern about child sex abuse and getting tough on child sex abusers.

    On a personal level, I wish to express my respect, regard, esteem and affection to my colleague, Sen. Scott McCoy, and regret the personal implications that came out of yesterday's discussion. Above all, the importance of a person has to be kept paramount. And not just a person, but people. I hope in some measure that will express the feeling of those in this body.

    (Mansell and I) felt like if (some) things could've been worked out there was probably a pretty good bill here. Unfortunately, we didn't get to have that discussion.

    I'm sure there are some people who have heartburn with some parts of it. But that's true of a lot of bills we vote on.

    I can't vote for the provision in this bill that deals with workplace safety.

    Other states across the nation have moved forward to protect their citizens. I think this is a common-sense, slow-motion step, allowing localities to take their own way.

    I think it deserves a full hearing before the full House committee. Secondhand smoke is not just an annoyance. It is a health hazard, and Virginians are coming forward every day to tell us this is something they want addressed.

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