Seth Greenberg Quotes on Chance (7 Quotes)

    Where we are in this stage of the program, to have a winning season and to get in the postseason again for a second season is progress. No one said this is a quick fix. This is a process. With everything, we still have a chance at postseason play.

    The ACC is a calling card. Kids in this geographic footprint want to play in the ACC, and I think what it does is it gives us a chance to recruit some of these kids.

    We're not broken. It's a play here and a play there. That was the biggest thing. We're probably four plays from being 4-0, which is typical league play in any league. We've had a chance to win, and I wanted to make sure our guys understand that.

    We probably should've taken our chances, maybe, force them to make a jump shot. Until we start getting a stop at the end of the game or coming up with a 50-50 ball, you'll have a hard time winning close games.

    I'm very proud of our basketball team. We did a lot of things that gave us a chance to win the basketball game. We just got beat by a great team on a great shot.

    Our guys will bounce back. We continue to play hard, and we've had a chance in every game.

    It was kind of like a microcosm of our season, that game. ... We just couldn't make the play when we needed to. We had chances, and we let the chances go.

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