Shane Richardson Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We want to make it clear to everyone that an approach was made from Russell and Peter to us, not the other way around,

    Aussie Stadium can never again claim to care about league fans.

    Whether or not we pursue Adam will depend on what happens with the Walkers.

    I will say that he obviously has a little bit of a technique problem, which is something a lot of players have from time to time. It is something we can go away and work hard on.

    We'll be making sure it's up to standard ... we'll make sure before we go there.

    We haven't seen a proposal at this stage either and until we see something in writing from somebody, there is no offer.

    There's a salary cap in place and the offer's as big as I can make it,

    The reality is Suncorp holds 52,000 and Telstra holds 82,000. The commercial reality is unless the Queensland Government is willing to put in a lot of money to make it happen, it can't happen.

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