Steve Abrams Quotes (11 Quotes)

    The heart of science should be looking at the gaps in theory and trying to figure out what that's about. This decision will perhaps have an effect on other states, but we don't talk about intelligent design.

    I'm looking out for some unhappy teenagers, ... I'd like them to change Ticketmaster's policy for next year. Boca is very much a part of South Florida.

    We need to have more discussion by the public to see what teachers, administrators and the state of Kansas think about it. That is not likely to occur this year.

    I believe it is most likely that we will be able to have significant changes only if we have someone from outside the system be able to establish the vision of ... what is possible.

    It's about empowering parents. That's the bottom line.

    It is important that parents have ultimate control. It's not about emotions. It's a serious issue that is contentious.

    We're in a beautiful garden with all these trees and plants.

    These are absolutely great science standards. I have no doubt about it, positively no doubt whatsoever.

    This is not about denying education to students. It's about empowering parents.

    I think anytime that you can combine history and a little bit of education, I think it's a great opportunity, ... I've been to exhibits like that many times in the past. I've enjoyed them.

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