Steve Fairchild Quotes (4 Quotes)

    You have a good grip on how you game-plan things and what you want to do. But until you jump in the fire and have to do it, with a real limited amount of time, and make adjustments, and change your thought process based on what's happened that Sunday ... It's an interesting process.

    I'm not putting words in his mouth, but if I hired - say - my son, I would be tougher on him than the normal guy. As I analyzed the situation, that's how I viewed it. He gave me an opportunity that was unreal. For my career, to have a chance to come here and work with him - there's a lot of guys that would want to do that.

    Nobody has a leg up on anybody as far as knowing what we're doing. It's going to be fun to watch them all develop.

    You see them three days later in the supermarket, and they're just fine. Then they make eye contact and then suddenly, the limp is back.

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