Steve Reynolds Quotes (12 Quotes)

    We are eager to see if we can use some of the techniques developed in the last few decades to 'sell' tractor operators on safer practices. Unless we can begin changing attitudes and behavior, we are not going to solve this problem.

    In a lot of office applications, where you just need to get me a piece of paper with some information on it, just doesn't add that much and isn't worth the cost.

    Your input would be part of any planning process looking at this property. There would be at least one mandatory public hearing that would have to take place to address any concerns raised by you or your client.

    Vendors must protect their installed base before trying to increase share because unless customers are happy with the products, they are likely to change at the end of the contract.

    I'd just come to L.A., I'm in a foreign country, and I just opened my mouth and started singing. I could see an image in my head and write in whatever language that appeared to me.

    We're on track to record high gas prices this winter,

    It's been perfect. It's occupied her time and she seems much more satisfied with life and excited about things.

    It is always good to have standards in place because it shows people what to agree to, in what is often a confusing world.

    They're being a bit more open perhaps to combat the biggest threat to the company, which is open source. They really have to do it because IBM is going wholly the other way and seeding (open-source products) far and wide.

    The success rate for people who go through the community corrections program is significantly higher than for those who go through the Department of Corrections (prison).

    Nobody wants it right next door. These are the type of offenders ... who are not a true danger to the community, but there's a perception that they're still inmates.

    He's a kid that gets picked on a lot because he doesn't stand up for himself. Anybody tries anything with him he just takes it. And most of the time, though, he'll start like joking around or he'll be laughing about it.

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    Communities - World - Singing - Product - Perfection - Time - Property - Place - Winter - Sense & Perception - Planning - Countries - View All Steve Reynolds Quotations

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