Steve Squyres Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    We were fearful for a time that the motor may have failed permanently. If that were the case, we'd never be able to use the arm again.

    So there's enough to keep us busy here for quite a long time.

    The hill is very steep in places ... and the orbital images show a lot of tasty geology, some of it in pretty nasty-looking places. All in all, the next several weeks are going to present us with some of the most interesting route-finding decisions that we've faced in a long time, on both sides of the planet.

    Unfortunately, recovering from something like a reset is a slow, lengthy process. You don't know what caused the problem, and the immediate concern is that whatever triggered it will do it again next time you try it. The thing you have to do is fire up each of the rover's capabilities one at a time, checking each one carefully and individually to see whether it would cause another reset or not. Standard spacecraft troubleshooting practicebut it takes time.

    One mystery weve been dealing with for a long time is the origin of the little dark cobbles that we occasionally see out on the plains,

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