Steve Stanley Quotes (18 Quotes)

    That's not exactly an evaluation which would suggest that Friday's number will be a blowout to the upside.

    The Fed may need to prove its inflation-fighting credentials because expectations could be shifting a bit. The case for continued rate hikes has become, if anything, more compelling since Katrina,

    Once we get a few strong payroll gains, the tightening cycle will commence, ... That could be three months away or another year away. No one, including Greenspan, knows the timeframe but make no mistake, tightening is coming sooner or later.

    No one should have any false hope that the trade gap is going to narrow much or for very long, but at least the speed of the underlying deterioration is less than we thought.

    Without a doubt, the decline mainly reflects the run-up in gasoline prices.

    The core consumer price index (CPI) has risen by 3.3 percent annualized over the past three months, ... We'd all better hope that some of this is 'transitory.'

    It made my decision a lot easier to come back knowing that guys I knew and really enjoyed being with were going to be here. That's always an exciting thing as a player, really enjoying guys you've played with in the past.

    The bottom line is that, with employment and income gains picking up, it will take mortgage rates a lot higher than 6.24 percent to choke off housing demand. We will probably get to a level of rates that bites eventually, but certainly not in the next few months.

    This kind of situation calls on each one of us to reach out in any way we can. All of us at Bladen Builders, like people all over the world, wanted to contribute in some manner. When our distributor, Do it Best Corporation, notified us of the collaborative effort, our feelings quickly turned into a desire to act.

    All in all, this is significantly more hawkish than I suspect market participants were anticipating, ... Bond market players have been throwing around theories about a second half slowdown, with the June data creating a huge stir, but the Fed has almost not given that idea a second thought.

    While concerns about the impact of rising interest rates will be a frequent theme of discussion in the press and financial markets, homebuilders and realtors are confident that favorable demographics and an improved economyjob market should help, at least

    I do not view the upside surprise as being terribly significant. There were very few areas of concern within the core.

    It is reassuring that the February drop in confidence appears to have been a one-off event rather than the beginning of a trend.

    While many will be disappointed that we will not necessarily see huge upward revisions to payrolls ... a significant upward revision to wages would also be a positive development, as it suggests that consumers have more firepower than we thought.

    There have been a number of strong offsetting influences on consumer moods so far this month. Obviously, the two biggest negatives are the shaky jobs situation and rising gasoline and energy prices,

    At the same time, notwithstanding the lack of job creation, the economy is generally strong.

    To the extent that the Fed has emphasized how important benign inflation expectations are in maintaining price stability, ... the June results are disturbing.

    The gain was smaller than we had expected, and much of it came in utility usage, reflecting the extremely cold weather in the period.

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