Susan Turner Quotes (7 Quotes)

    I think we need to ask the Airport Authority some pointed questions about how they intend to finance their proposal to construct the Dulles Metro line.

    They called because they want to report his death in Japan.

    He devoted himself to the preservation of trees, and when I say devoted, I mean that he made it a full-time job. But in addition to all of his community service, he was just a dear, dear man.

    Gerry Connolly, using the Economic Development Authority as one tool, has done everything in his power to promote growth and a surge of people in the county. This has had a huge cost to the county.

    It takes about three weeks to complete one floor mat. The process is pretty labor intensive.

    Coaching helped me be a more effective leader in Barclays, helped me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses and adjust leadership style to different members of the team.

    The chief just wants what's best for the town and all the people in the town. He's young, and I think we needed a young, intelligent chief.

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