Susan Wood Quotes on Decision Making (4 Quotes)

    The timorous men who run the FDA had promised a decision on Plan B this summer this was after delay upon delay over the past two years and intense shrieking from anti-abortion groups who wrong-headedly claim that Plan B causes abortion. I was supposed to be the champion of women's health at the agency, ... Science needs to be the main decision driving health policy, not politics.

    The Plan B decision is a double standard based on age for over-the-counter sales,

    Crawford's decision was not made in consultation with the normal people who are involved with the decision-making at the agency, ... Even in the commissioner's office, it seems there was very little awareness about what the decision would be. It seemed to be very closely held and not at all transparent to the professional staff.

    We're still awaiting a decision from above it hasn't come down yet.

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