Svetlana Kuznetsova Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    I was ready, but I wasn't at my best, ... Now nobody will disturb me about this. Nobody will say nothing to me. I'll just relax and take some time off, I guess, and just prepare for the next events.

    Of course I'm disappointed. But things like this happen. I just didn't play my game. I will learn from it. I just want to have some time off.

    I mean, now nobody will disturb me about this, ... Nobody will say me nothing. I just relax and I take some time off, I guess. And I just prepare for next events. I mean, is tough. But you know, the tough things make you grow stronger and make you learn.

    I tried to stay strong but didn't play my best, ... I will take some time off now. Tough things make you stronger.

    I'm pretty excited with the way I played. You know, I (was) dictating the match almost all the time. I could have done better, as always, you know, but I mean, I am pretty excited with the way I played. I played very well (in the) first set. The second set was pretty close, but I knew I have to hang there. Otherwise, if I let Amelie play a little bit, I wouldn't get it back, I wouldn't have another chance.

    You just cannot do any more than your best. It wasn't my day. What do I do I know many people can't get it, but I enjoy being here and trying. You can't do it every time. I just want to have time off and start again.

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