Ted Astolfi Quotes (9 Quotes)

    At the end of the day this is going to make Martin County more competitive.

    It's a big number, and it's a big goal... but it's not an insurmountable goal.

    The real goal is to attract business and create new high-wage, high-tech jobs here in the future. We want to ensure that people can live and work in the area.

    This will put industrial (permitting process) on an equitable playing field with residential and will make us more comparable with other regions.

    We're laying it out today to say this is where we want to get to.

    This would put us more in the game if we had this land designated for it.

    We have a strong commitment to get in the game.

    I think that actions speak louder than words, and this action demonstrates to people the change that is taking place in Port St. Lucie.

    They're a clean local manufacturer that sells their product outside the local economy and, in fact, outside the United States, which helps the whole balance of trade.

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