Ted Schadler Quotes on Business & Commerce (4 Quotes)

    Consumers don't really want to carry around more devices than they have to. Everyone has a mobile phone. To get music onto the phone is a big deal for the music industry. Why does Apple care I think it's because they want to protect their turf. If they can't own the device, they can at least own the relationship. That's a big deal since Apple's the incumbent.

    In order for this to have any value, someone has to link it into a business application, so they've got a big delivery challenge. They've got to convince developers to build front ends, convince their partners to take on the challenge.

    There is a big debate in the industry on centralized vs. different boxes around the house. I fall on the side of a lot of different boxes.

    The software industry once had the keys to the kingdom. But buyers are becoming more sophisticated. The software industry should share in the risk instead of running and gunning.

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