Ted Spadaro Quotes (5 Quotes)

    Our players have to understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, getting to play the No. 2 team in the state. You get that opportunity, try to take advantage of it, and you take it from there.

    I told the kids I was proud that we didn't give up. I'm not proud of the loss, but I'm proud that we never quit. That's something we can build on.

    He's the real package, running the ball, catching the ball. Everything he gets, he's deserving of it. There was no way we could stop him, we just wanted to slow him down. We wanted to give him the middle, but not off tackle. And that's where he got those two long runs.

    We thought we could frustrate him with some pressure, but we were never able to get to him. He was sitting back there with four seconds to throw.

    It was just one of those nights where things just worked out, the timing was there, the blocking was there, it's very unusual that something like this happens, but it did and we're real happy for him. William deserves everything he gets out there and I'm sure he'll tell you the offensive line takes the credit for his offense and also the returns go to the special teams.

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