Tedy Bruschi Quotes (23 Quotes)

    I just think (it was) my rehabilitation process, ... I just kept getting better - I kept getting stronger. Workouts improved. Just every day the progress that I made just continued to get better and better, and all of a sudden I came to the point where ... they tell me I can play, I feel like I can play, shoot I know I can play, so lets just play.

    I've been doing everything I could possibly do except for putting the pads on, ... 'I had to make myself ready first and I believe I did that.

    I had a good amount of nerves. If you haven't done something in a long time, you always have some nerves the first time back. I had some good reads and had some bad reads. All of that comes with (this) being the first day (back).

    I think the true football fan will have plenty to watch on Super Bowl Sunday. The chance to see two quality defenses go at it is a part of football.

    I can play linebacker, that's all, ... We all have our own individual jobs to do and, right now, we all have to get better at doing them.

    We've checked and checked and checked and every doctor or physician that's seen me has given me clearance,

    I think Steve would agree that it's been a long road for him and me to get back. To be recognized for it is an honor and you don't want to get this type of award every year.

    I couldn't let Rodney (Harrison) getting hurt affect it. I couldn't let any type of loss affect it because what I was doing was so important to me and because there was no way I was going to be able to help them anyway if I wasn't able to perform the way I felt I was capable.

    I'm a football player by trade. That's what I do, ... So I did everything I could to make myself a football player again.

    There was a time in my recuperation and healing where I just had to tell myself it is just time to get up and live your life the way you want to live,

    I wouldn't be standing here in front of you if I didn't think I could play football, ... I know my physical abilities are here. I think my 10 years of experience will help also. I know what it looks like, I know how to react to it, just from experience.

    Whatever my coach decides to do, I trust that.

    I'm definitely playing next year. That's my ace in the hole. It's a little hard to sit back and watch the guys this season, but it's easier knowing I've got something to look forward to.

    The week preceding the game is just as important, if not more important, to prepare yourself mentally to make sure you know the ins and outs of the opposition. It's all about getting ready for Jacksonville. It's a one-game season.

    Since Day One, I've been impressed with him, ... When a new guy comes in, I want to check him out and see how he is, see how his attitude is, see if he's willing to be one of us the way we are in this locker room. With Corey, I remember talking to him in the parking lot, talking to him in the locker room and seeing where his mind was at. It was always in the right place, I felt. Never did I think, 'Maybe I should talk to this guy a little more and let him know how it is around here.' I felt he understood how it is from the beginning.

    The thing that people don't understand is you have three hours once you think you are experiencing a stroke to do something about it. If you can get to the hospital right away, you can get a clot-busting drug that could save your life.

    This isn't my decision, this is our decision, ... I wouldn't do this to my wife. She's been with me since the beginning. We've come to this conclusion together.

    It's the No. 1 stat that we have to win. We always want to get the ball. Make tackles and get the ball.

    Has it ever been this quiet in here I don't think it has, ... I think 'shocked' is the word. ... You sort of just shake your head and ask yourself, 'Why'

    I'm going to try. I felt good out there, but I'm not going to make any guarantees or promises other than that I'm going to give it my best shot.

    It's been discouraging at times, to tell you the truth. To see Willie go, especially, and to see Adam go, too. I've been with Willie and Adam for a long time. I spoke with both and wished them well. But the bottom line is this Move on. We're going to miss them, but they're not going to help us win any football games so I can't focus on who's not here.

    I don't want to be a distraction, ... That's why I want to stress to you that all I am is a linebacker. There's only so much I can do. ... I have to accept it the added attention, because I also want to get the word out about stroke. ... In the time we've been talking, someone has had a stroke. A stroke happens to someone in this country every 45 seconds. ... There is life after a stroke, and I'm getting on with my life.

    I have no type of reservations, ... I think I've done ... everything that I had to do to make sure that my confidence level is high for when I need to stick my face in there. I'm going to stick it in and I'm going to stick it in hard.

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