Theresa Grentz Quotes (18 Quotes)

    They have the talent. They need the direction on where it's going and that's my job to give them that direction. There's a lot of basketball to play and I want them to understand that.

    This is a great opportunity for them. I'm going to take them kicking, screaming or whatever and just take them. I'm going to put my arms around them one way or the other, whether it's from the front or behind them because I think they can do this, and that they are going to.

    We played one today where we had to keep pulling and getting after it. You have to give Northwestern a whole lot of credit. They didn't fold, they kept coming back and they kept making shots, but we were able to pull it out in the end.

    The zone caused us problems. We didn't attack and every time the ball was thrown inside, we got tied up.

    We cannot afford to make mistakes and we weren't able to box out in critical situations.

    We were in the game. We were doing what we needed to do, we were paying attention to the scouting report.

    There's a lot of basketball left for us to play and as far as I'm concerned we can do this. I need to get this team motivated. It's my job to teach them how they need to get things done.

    We were playing well and then panicked. I think we looked up at the scoreboard, saw that we were ahead and got scared. We were playing tight and that is why we turned the ball over so much.

    The game was pretty ugly when we started out. I didn't know if we were ever going to get to 10 points.

    Maggie had that twinkle in her eye today. Maggie was everywhere. She does such a great job running our offense, that if others just knock down shots, she's going to get big assist numbers. Both Maggie and Janelle, the two seniors in our back court, have stepped up their play this year.

    Somewhere along the line you've got to believe that you're here to win this stupid game and win it. This team has played some very, very good basketball and it's going to continue to play good basketball. I just wish for them that it would just happen.

    We did a good job with the inside-outside game in the first half to get some open looks from the perimeter. Lori knocked down her first shot from about 22-feet and that got her going. From there, everyone else just fed off her confidence.

    When you have Jessica Davenport in the middle, with some very, very good shooters around her and a good point guard, they have the pieces.

    That is the best game I've seen her play in three years, and I'm happy about that.

    She was wide open. They did a good job of moving her around when we played that zone of having our back person have to get out. We just didn't get to her. I thought we had the zone pretty well worked out. You've got to give them credit for the adjustments they made.

    I'm not angry, and I'm not mad, but I am intense. (The players) have been instructed to do things a certain way, and they have not fulfilled their part of the bargain.

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