Thomas Powell Quotes (25 Quotes)

    The path to success begins when you ask what more I can give instead of what more I can take.

    I made my lifelong dream of attending Harvard University a reality when I realized someone has to do it, why not me Why not YOU

    Treasure doesn't have to be sought after...most of the time, it is right in front of your eyes, right under your feet. Recognize the everyday treasure that is your life.

    America is the land of opportunity mostly because it applauds the achievements of the individual.

    The best time to start improving the next ten years of your life is always - now. Why wait

    To be a beautiful person, fill your life with other beautiful people, places and things.

    Don't live a balanced life. Live an integrated life.

    A successful person is the product of their life just the same as a failure. The difference is that successful people have learned how to use the same challenges we all face as opportunities to learn and grow.

    You can look anyone in the eye when you can face yourself in the mirror.

    Mastering the art of negotiation involves leading the other person to your conclusion while having them believe it is their idea.

    These are extremely trying times for our country. The recovery is going to be led by us via our private capital and our private enterprise. The government does not have a weapon in its repertoire that comes close to matching the power of our collective private resources.

    We have to make the change in the world for tomorrow, and we have to do it today. We cant wait for the government to fix it, we cant wait for others to take the opportunities, it is up to us to act today with leadership to remember all that have, all that we are, and all that we can be.

    I have found that a person is not a failure due to lack of opportunity, but because of failing to focus attention and resources on the opportunity at hand.

    Successful people do what successful people do, and failures do what failures do and if the failures did what the successful do, the failures would be successful.

    Joy, living in the moment, plus lack of fear equals abundance. Live for the moment without fear and you have all you truly need.

    Although positive thoughts and affirmations create results, none of them matter without what matters most - action.

    Pick your own path. Which direction you choose doesn't matter you can have any experience you want with no negative consequences.

    This recession should have been a major wake-up call for all businesses, but those institutions deemed too big to fail have also been allowed to be too big to learn.

    Life takes action. Pessimists say it can't be done so they do nothing. Optimists say it will be done do they do nothing. Entrepreneurs say IT CAN BE DONE and they take action thus, things get done.

    Be very careful about the goals you set because quite often you achieve them.

    Small business will lead our recovery, but without access to capital, there is no recovery.

    Time, love and money are similar in that they are our greatest friends when nurtured and cared for and our greatest enemy when squandered.

    Mastering the art of under promising and over delivering requires the ability to say no, when and how with conviction.

    I love capitalism... only in the United States can a poor kid with everything going against him or her make it to the highest point of achievement.

    Each person creates the life they live by choosing the words they speak.

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