Tianna Madison Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I am still young, in the future the sky is the only limit for me,

    I told myself that I would make a decision by my birthday, but that didn't happen because everything isn't in place yet. I still have time, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.

    The long jump hasn't belonged to the U.S for a long while, so it feels great to bring it back. I'm still young. In the future the sky's the limit for me.

    I was expecting to win and it really didn't come as a surprise. To me, the weather conditions didn't bother me at all. Why would you let the weather bother you at a meet like that when you have so many other things to worry about

    It wasn't like people were approaching me just because they knew I was an athlete. People were actually calling me by my name. They knew who I was and some of them even wanted me to sign pictures they had from me competing in college.

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