Tiffany Shlain Quotes (6 Quotes)

    This year's Webby Awards winners are changing the way we live in ways big and small -- from how we listen to music to how we elect a president. We are proud to salute their fearlessness, ingenuity, and vision.

    This is a celebration of risk-taking and everything that's best about the Internet and the new world.

    The 10th Annual Webby Awards represent an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate the evolution of the web from an esoteric medium to the driving force shaping popular culture, business, and society today. As the web enters its second decade as an integral part of everyday life, our expanded categories recognize those who are pushing the web in exciting new directions.

    The past year has been one of outrageous growth for the Internet, and it's not only become bigger, but better... more substantial and more mature.

    The cool kids have co-opted all the neat stuff computers, gadgets, video games. There's no such thing as a computer geek anymore.

    I hate acceptance speeches. They always make you cringe. This way, it's a challenge to be more creative.

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    Internet - Custom & Convention - Business & Commerce - Speech - Imagination & Visualization - Driving - Computers & Technology - World - Evolution - Creativity & Innovation - Life - Games - View All Tiffany Shlain Quotations

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