Tim Beck Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Mark's definitely a dual threat. He's got very good accuracy and he has deceptive speed. He can pull the ball down and run with it. He can gain a lot of yards in a hurry because he can flat get on down the road.

    The losses hurt the team, but they are still very up. They (remain) positive.

    This doesn't take away from us winning the region title.

    It makes it more fun. It's not the most important thing, but we always felt that it would take some time to regroup after winning those titles (in 2001 and 2000).

    I mean look at him, he's (105 pounds) soaking wet. But his heart is as big as this whole stadium. He wanted it more than anybody out here, and went and got it.

    I think I need to give my halftime speech before the game.

    I don't know what the red card was for. They didn't give me much of an explanation. But it put a sense of urgency in our guys that we didn't have before, and we answered the call.

    The big mistakes that all three of them are making are just because of inexperience. It had nothing to do with a lack of knowledge of the game or anything like that. Sometimes you work on things on the dry-erase board, but it really doesn't take effect until you do it live.

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