Tim Casey Quotes (14 Quotes)

    If we win the first one, we'll have a chance to make a run. The first game (at the Fairgrounds) is always the toughest.

    I guess if we can't be first, we might as well be second. There's no shame in losing to (Lancaster). That's a top-notch basketball team. They're a tough, hard-nosed competitive team.

    Give (Liberty) credit. I thought they defended well. ... We were fortunate to win.

    We didn't dwell on (the loss). As soon as a game is over, we focus on our next game. We have a very mature group of guys who understand that, win or lose, we need to move on. (The loss) is just one game. We just have to move on.

    Mike's doing a nice job. He's asserting himself offensively, and he's learning how to respond (in a positive manner) when things don't go well. That was a big problem a year ago. When things didn't go well, he'd get down (mentally) on himself. He's learning how to handle (adversity) this year.

    I thought we had a decent game plan and executed it pretty well. We just came up a little short.

    The burden should be on them to prove that our presence has a detrimental impact upon lynx. I don't think they can prove it.

    I thought we were pretty consistent all year. We had a nice complement of guys.

    Brett's a good player. He just needs an opportunity. As we progress this season, I think he will get more opportunities. We have confidence in him.

    He's done a good job. He's really stepped up. He's made as much improvement as anybody on our team in his competitiveness and in his ability to score and he's become a better defender. ... Before the end of the year, he'll be an elite player. He's just starting to play the way he is capable.

    We're losing a very good senior class. Losing Matt and Zach leaves us with two huge holes to fill.

    They're certainly a formidable opponent. There's no doubt in our mind that we have to play well because we know they can beat us.

    I'd be selling our guys short if I'd say this was a moral victory. We played well enough to win and we believed we could win. ... It's certainly disappointing (because) we could've won the game.

    He's a winner, no doubt about it. There's a reason he's the district Player of the Year.

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