Tim Kessel Quotes (7 Quotes)

    It was a good match. I enjoyed it and all of the Page kids played tough.

    It will be a disappointment if we don't do our job. The team tournament is like normal matches but the difference is that you don't know who you are going to face. You won't see a team you've already seen, at least in the first rounds. You have to be ment

    It's a fun time to coach. The kids are doing well in a good region.

    I think we have a very good chance for success in the team competition. I thought that was going to be our strong part. Brady and Brian really impressed me and themselves with how well they are doing in the individual portion.

    Our No. 1 doubles team played near flawless tennis to whip a very good Bradshaw No. 1 team. It was a great warm-up for their state doubles tournament this weekend.

    Bradshaw is a much tougher opponent. They have a couple of players going to the State individual tournament, so you know that they have quality kids. Their No. 1 and No. 2 are especially good.

    They were both very excited, positive and supportive of each other. They stayed focused and communicated well. Things good doubles partners do.

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