Tim King Quotes (9 Quotes)

    They seemed to have a lot of people back. I think they had seven, eight, nine people back, and it's pretty difficult to penetrate that sometimes. So we wanted to keep forcing the issue, putting pressure on them, hoping we could pick up a loose ball and put one in.

    We are going to launch our first joint venture in the middle of this year with China Resources (Holdings) Co Ltd, our largest franchise partner.

    Those kinds of questions help people narrow their options.

    We want to let people know that both police unions have been without a contract for 15 months.

    Usually when you lose your rural carrier, the post office is next. If you don't act right away, the Postal Service thinks you don't care. And the next thing you know, you're done.

    This is one of the biggest opportunities ever offered to put farms back on a sustainable economic future. We have to end up taking some risk. Everybody's waiting for somebody to make the first step.

    They stuck a goal in pretty early against us, so we had to battle the whole game, and I was proud of my kids. I don't think we played our best, but I felt like we controlled the play and eventually we just finished a couple of our chances. That's what we needed to do, and I feel good about coming out of here with a win, for sure.

    The majority of Chinese customers who can afford luxury products are entrepreneurs or private business owners. Because they run their own businesses, many of them dress very casually. They don't wear suits Monday to Friday. They only wear them on special occasions.

    Once we understand profitability, we as the brand owner become much more involved in negotiating terms and conditions with landlords, and we start looking at opening new stores.

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