Tim Roemer Quotes (15 Quotes)

    to steer the party to the right on abortion.

    We should be concerned that they had a woefully inadequate tracking system on terrorism prior to 911.

    If my children were to receive this report card they would have to repeat a grade.

    I hope Dr. Rice will reconsider and come before our commission for the sake of the American people.

    We are skating on thin ice. Next it may be a dirty bomb, a chemical attack or a nuclear bomb. When will our government wake up.

    Our government couldn't drop water to our most needy citizens, ... We couldn't get generators to people in hospitals. We didn't go by any evacuation plan.

    We're going to have a plethora of questions for the FBI and for Justice. And I'm not sure they are going to have any good answers to those questions.

    We have decided the arrangement is not good enough at this point.

    It's time to break the logjam and promote solutions.

    We've had our first test and we've failed miserably. We have spent billions of dollars in revenues to try to make our country safe and we have not made nearly enough progress.

    Our troops can prevail on the battlefield, our intelligence agencies can identify terrorist cells and our defensive measure can foil plots, but the long term key to our national security is isolating the extremists and radical terrorists by helping create a competing and more powerful vision of the future of the Middle East and the Muslim world,

    All of those should be part of a family's options if you're going to prevent the greater tragedy of abortion.

    We need to have fair and full cooperation, not separate and unequal cooperation from the two administrations.

    He was cooperative, he was frank, he was gracious with his time,

    Many of these recommendations proposed by the 911 commission one year ago might have made a difference in saving lives and preventing loss of lives in this hurricane.

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