Tim Taylor Quotes on Games (8 Quotes)

    Our end zone defense was immense. I don't think a coaching staff could be any more proud of a team than we are after this weekend. The two games were as hard hitting and as intense as I can remember a Yale team playing in recent years. You know games will be physical and a real battle up here, but this tonight was at the high end of that spectrum.

    If we play like we have played the past two games, it doesn't matter who we play. And if we play like we played the two games before that 6-3 loss at Florida, 6-2 loss to Atlanta then it doesn't matter who we play because we will be out.

    Obviously, the big issue is we're not winning any gosh darn games. It's gnawing at us as a team and a coaching staff. I don't like to be a coach that talks about playing well if we're not winning, but we've got goaltending that put us in position to win both games. The plain clear thing is that we've lost the scoring touch.

    Right now is no time to get down there is no time to point fingers, it's a time with three games left in the season to win two games. We are in control of our own destiny. It doesn't matter what Atlanta does, it doesn't matter where Toronto is, it's all about us. It's two out of three games. This is a time to stand up and take control of the situation.

    It's very frustrating. We are in the games and we just don't seem to get the breaks. Yeah, it is frustrating. But that's the way it goes, you create your own breaks and breaks are not coming our way so it's going to last for a while. We have to make it change ourselves.

    It would be useless to try to come up with an explanation or a solution to the past two games. We have to figure out what we are going to do for the next game and how we are going to come out and play. We can't look around and say whose fault it is on this goal or on that goal. It's time to just make sure we go out and take control of our own destiny, and that's by winning two games.

    This was the start of our playoffs. We need to win hockey games. We need to put points on the board.

    Tonight's game is huge, it's absolutely huge. It will dictate what happens to us for the final three games.

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