Tim Walsh Quotes (44 Quotes)

    Whatever happened we lost our concentration. We lost our focus. We lost our complete desire or hunger. That's the ball game.

    Kids love secrecy. The toys feed that same niche as passing notes or writing in a diary.

    Most of the time traffic is moving on both directions, it's slow but you have to expect that,

    The guy is a play maker. I think he's going to be 6-foot-3 12, 250 pounds in three years, and then people better watch out.

    I love playing those games. I think they make you better. It keeps young people's egos and dreams alive. I don't think there's any doubt that young people want to play the best.

    He wore out, I think, at the end. The kid plays with so much heart. I thought Carlos and Armando, and we switched Courtney on him at the end, those kids really did a nice job making him work.

    From what I gather, nothing has changed (for Kankakee). We're not going to change anything we do. We didn't play well (the first game with Kankakee). We were fortunate to win that game.

    We'll go back into bargaining, we'll bargain in good faith, and we'll see what results from those negotiations.

    It's a big industry, and it's an exciting industry. People throughout the school know that it's a hot industry.

    We played our butts off. Our goal on defense was to make them earn it. They were fortunate enough to get more points than we had.

    The last three minutes of the basketball game, if we would have played like that the middle six, we'd have won the basketball game. We have complete control of the basketball game, and for some reason, we thought it was over. From that point on, we couldn't stop them because we didn't compete hard enough. We competed the last three minutes.

    I thought they deserved some recognition, and some other coaches agreed.

    And we spent a lot of time hiking out at Great Falls.

    BOOMING GROWTH. Vonage can go public in almost any type of equity market, ... ought to be well received.

    I'm sure they're going to come in here awfully fired up and focused. You can't afford to start 02. Any time you get a game on the road, it helps in any league.

    He stepped right up with confidence. That was a big 3.

    I learned probably more about water and sewers than I care to know, but I learned a lot and I enjoyed it a lot.

    It's a very tough place to play because they play very well at home. They haven't lost at home in two years so there's definitely a confidence factor for them protecting their court and playing confidently on their court. And all good college basketball teams are supposed to be that way. They've taken their home court and ran with it.

    It's definitely the fastest-growing club over the past two years.

    The games we have got coming start to look a bit more inviting. We have got a very nice last four matches and a lot of home games coming up, as well. It's all looking up for us now.

    We're a lot closer to I-A now. Normally, we might have some problems running the football. And the speed on special teams is usually pretty huge. Usually, their seconds are faster than our seconds. But I thought we competed extremely well.

    The turnout was probably lower because we were meeting the same time at Lafayette School, which drew a large crowd.

    Our defense and special teams really played for us. I'm so proud of the guys and how hard they fought to win this one. Finding a way to win is an important quality for a team to have, and I think we showed that tonight.

    We want to force perimeter shots, but not wide open shots. We're slow going to contest people. We're slow coming out of the pass. We're not very good. We were good early.

    We'll abide by whatever the final determination is. But it's an illegal affiliation between a group that said it wasn't a labor organization and a group that clearly is a labor organization.

    That's one thing about these guys. I told them after the game, 'You played your guts out again.' We just shot the ball so poorly in the first half. We didn't take good shots and we didn't defend very well in the first half. We dug ourselves a big hole.

    It's always tough when they leave. The end of the season's always hard anyway. For those four guys in terms of the blood and the sweat and the heart they put into the program . . ..

    This has really been well thought out. It is really exciting.

    We are going to go beyond what we offer now. We are training some of our own staff to be able to handle interpreter tasks, and we also are reaching out to the community to find those people who already are providing translation services to help at the hospital.

    We just ran out of steam. (Taylor) gave us a lot in the first half. Second half he got limited. That ankle kind of started bothering him again. His mobility wasn't very good.

    His parents always opened their doors to us.

    They were so much better than we were tonight. I can't even tell you how much better they were. All the credit goes to them. They played very well. They dominated that basketball game. They deserved to win that basketball game.

    That (the dunk) was huge. That sparked everybody. It got the crowd back into the game because we let one slip away again. Everybody started doubting. I'm sure they gave him a lot of confidence as well and he played real well. I'm very happy.

    We checked with the other communities, and the consensus is that we should not use public taxpayer's funds to donate to a private organization.

    He was a no-brainer. A lot of people question how fast he is, but the most important thing is he can make people miss. And he is extremely tough.

    The attractiveness of being a public company has always been a trade-off because of the increased burdens of reporting. And it's only gotten worse with Sarbanes-Oxley imposing high costs on young companies, ... So the MA route is much more interesting.

    I would hope this year he's going to be a 30-to-40-catch guy,

    It was everywhere. The waste was in the streets. We had dead bodies under houses and in ponds. We thought we were facing severe public health problems.

    He's missed so much time, he's having a hard time understanding his role. Understanding the level of competition and game situations, he going through that right now. He needs to work hard to get back to where he was before he got hurt.

    It was definitely a major goal of mine when I came here to make it to the tournament, make the Final Four and win the national championship.

    We can beat them. But we have to play our perfect game. They don't have to.

    Kevin played his heart out the whole year. He simply did it again. He never gives up. He's a fantastic leader. He's an excellent student. He's No. 2 in his class. Overall, he's just an excellent person.

    They called it a strike, but the plant was never shut down. It's business as usual here.

    It's just going extremely well in comparison to the Rte. 1A (project),

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