Tim Westergren Quotes (4 Quotes)

    That's what the genome intends to do - to be that record-store clerk, in the small shop who knows you as a listener and has an encyclopedic knowledge of music. That's how you solve the long tail.

    We administer an exam to people and we only have about 20 who pass. If you are selected, you then go through 40 hours of training. We're adding 8,000 new songs a month.

    This is the first music discovery service that is all about the music. The Music Genome Project doesn't compare your preferences or shopping habits with those of others. It doesn't care whether the artists you like (or it suggests) are already popular or just starting out. It levels the playing field by relying exclusively on the unique musical quality of each song. By painstakingly analyzing each song across 400 musical traits, we've made it easy for music lovers to discover new songs and artists.

    It's like if your music is in Tower Records and no one knows it, you're nowhere. On the Internet, it's that times 100.

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