Todd Harris Quotes on People (6 Quotes)

    Schwarzenegger felt it was very important to let the people of California know this governor plans to be around for the long haul, ... It's not a 24-month job, it's a five-year job and he intends to see it through to the end.

    felt it was very important to let the people of California know this governor plans to be around for the long haul.

    So far, this campaign has been very one-sided the only thing the people have heard about the governor's reform agenda is what they heard from union bosses. Now, they will hear from the governor and learn why he believes these reforms are critical.

    They've been very helpful. They allow voters to cut through the din and clutter of the 100-million smear campaign the unions have been waging against the governor, and they allow voters to hear directly from the people who are for change and from people who are against change.

    All of these union bosses are terrified that the governor's reforms are going to take power and influence out of Sacramento and give it back to the people of California, ... The debate over the special election is a simple one - vote yes on the governor's reforms if you want real change, vote no if you are happy with the way things are.

    If people are happy with the way things are running in Sacramento, they should vote 'no' across the board. But if they want to send a message that business as usual ain't going to cut it anymore, then they should vote 'yes' on all four of these measures.

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