Tom Daschle Quotes on America (16 Quotes)

    Those who are in government have an urgent responsibility to prove to the American people that our government can still work for them.

    Bipartisanship isn't an option anymore; it is a requirement. The American people have divided responsibility for leadership right down the middle.

    explain to the American people why they want to use Social Security trust funds for the tax cut.

    America can't afford to keep rewarding the accumulation of wealth over the dignity of work,

    In 1981 ... I sat in the House chamber when another new president talked to the American people about stimulating the economy,

    Why does their proposal exclude over 100 million Americans from its limited number of protections ... They're slicing this issue as thin as they can and hoping the American people don't see through their strategy. Why do they include a poison pill -- unlimited medical savings accounts that could make health insurance unaffordable for many Americans Well, my guess is they really don't want legislation to pass this year.

    Last week the Bush administration warned that America is at greater risk of a major terrorist attack than at any time since September 11th,

    We are awed by their sacrifice and their bravery, and we want them and their families to know that they have the profound respect and gratitude of every American,

    We're not going to give. We fought very hard to get to this point, ... A meaningful patients' bill of rights is one of the most important things the American people want us to do.

    In the end I believe the American people will support him,

    the Democratic-controlled Senate is not interested in the security of the American people.

    But keep in mind, one thing they did say is, 'Do no harm.' And I think the Republican package does serious harm to the budget, to fairness in tax law and to a number of other issues that the American people care deeply about.

    Only when America is secure at home and our strength abroad is respected and not resented, only then will we have a union as strong as the American people,

    This is an ongoing process, ... As we have said several times now, the president needs to make case not only to us but to the American people and to the international community, and that effort has now begun.

    We can't afford to wait, ... We must restore integrity to our investment and pension systems and strengthen government oversight of them. We cannot allow what happened to Enron employees happen to the rest of America.

    By choosing to oppose the University of Michigan, President Bush called into question his commitment to expanding opportunity for African-American, Hispanic, and Native American students,

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