Tom Dowd Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Fast break basketball is just like pick-up basketball, and we know how to play that.

    I felt that we were a little bit tight. I could tell they were nervous coming in. We haven't been here for two years. None of these kids have been in this situation.

    We are still in the hunt to win the league crown. We are not just looking to finish in the top half, we are looking to win league still. We've got four games left that I know we can win. We just have play at the tempo we played tonight (against Standley Lake).

    We just needed to calm down because we weren't shooting the ball, and they were kind of standing around. We called timeout and said, 'Let's go inside,' because we knew (Lakewood) couldn't stop us, and that's where we made our money in the first half.

    We're talking about today, and our kids have the resolve that we're going to be good this year. We'll play anybody. We're not afraid.

    We played their (Cougars') game. We played a 5-on-5 half-court game. We don't have the shooters to do that.

    That's what I want the boys who play for me to come away with. I want them to know there's more to life than playing sports.

    When they get each other going they are fun to watch. Dylan had a great game. He controlled the tempo of the game and he was making the calls out there all night. Lucas is just a gym rat. As he goes the team goes a lot of time. If he can have a good game we usually win.

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