Tom Herrion Quotes (10 Quotes)

    We've still got a lot of work to do. The bye is nice, but we've got to go play come tournament time.

    I can't remember my team giving up 91 points in this building. It's unacceptable. We're not beating anybody giving up 91 points, and that's what upsets me more than anything. It's not so much that we lost, but how we lost. I didn't think we went down with a fight. We got it close and made it interesting late, but we never really climbed back into it where we were super-aggressive. We never got into the attack mode.

    The lineup they've got out there causes problems, because they're so quick and agile. It's traditional for us to try to find a big body. Now, we've got guys trying to chase a little guard. They're harder to block out.

    In the end, our defense clearly was the difference. That's a hard team to prepare for in one night, with the way they run their spread offense. When I started studying it, I knew you needed two or three days to really handle something like that. But we didn't have the time.

    That's something he's been battling for a while in terms of his confidence. He's spent a lot of time working on his shot after practice, and today he got some of the reward. He's a talented player. When he adds a shot to his game, he really becomes hard to guard.

    I thought we played tentative, I thought we played soft. Some guys might have played scared for some reason. This late in the season, I don't know why.

    I'm surprised that, in a game of significance, we didn't respond for the full 40 minutes. I'm very, very surprised about that. We knew this was a great opportunity in a game that had significance. We've obviously put ourselves in another spot, and now we have to dig in.

    They might have caught us a little stunned, and it was contagious. Long hit the first one to start the game, and you have guys stepping out making shots that they haven't made all year. Give them credit, but I thought we played with our hands low. We've guarded the 3 as well as anyone in our conference all season. We didn't do a good job this afternoon.

    What should I tell Drew Hall Concentrate more He goes 4-for-5 from 19 feet, nine inches and misses two shots from 15 feet. I'm not good at math, but that doesn't make any sense to me.

    Put it in your best guy's hands. He was in the zone tonight, make no mistake about it.

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