Tom Mueller Quotes (8 Quotes)

    It always helps to do those kinds of things. But my wife won't tell you that I'm a romantic.

    Obviously, this means the case is going to go on longer than we would like, but we are prepared for whatever time it takes to see this case through.

    people will be more careful not to rush to judgment when false claims are made.

    From the very beginning, we said we wanted to know the truth about this terrible incident, ... Now we do

    send a strong message and serve as a deterrent to others who may contemplate a fraudulent crime against the restaurant industry.

    We hope Americans view Wendy's as a company that did the right things when this crime was committed against us,

    (The banks) are always all trying to increase loans they have to make higher goals. We are always out there trying to get banks to do more loans and reach new populations.

    It's great news for the project and one of the key milestones. We're very happy.

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