Tom Newton Quotes (13 Quotes)

    There's a right of access to court proceedings. This throws the whole thing out by allowing one party to make it a private proceeding.

    There's virtually no evidence that this bill would help protect judges, prosecutors, defenders, legislators or others from harm.

    I understand that laws like this are necessarily broad to prevent future loopholes, but this bill would seem to cover things as innocent as the Linux operating system and many legitimate security diagnostic tools, which in the wrong hands could be used for criminal purposes.

    Leaks are the bread and butter of politicians. There's a long and steady tradition of leaking information by politicians and their operatives to sway public opinion or otherwise inform the public about what may or may not happen.

    We have open courts to make public confidence in the truth-finding function of the courts.

    It's the principle at stake here as to whether or not the courtroom doors are going to be open or shut. If you allow them to chip away at... court proceedings and records, pretty soon you won't have open courts anymore.

    They are the records that are essential to understanding whether justice is being served.

    We have to have court doors open to make sure they (the courts) are not involved in corrupt actions. As soon as you put asset information behind the cloak of secrecy, then no one will be able to determine that justice is being done.

    But it is the smaller cases of hacking on normal people and businesses that don't get given the same type of focus. If each and every cyber crime case were given the same amount of attention as this one, then the world would be a safer place for us normal users.

    While the U.K. has made great strides in this area, the police simply do not have the resources to cope with the level of electronic crime. The onus is on businesses to secure their own futures with a multi layered approach to protect systems from the latest virus and security threats.

    As soon as you start, in a blanket fashion, shutting down public access to an entire category of records -- all financial records -- you're going to undo that public confidence in the courts.

    While I appreciate that this bill will grant the police more powers to confiscate computers and so forth, serious criminality on the internet will remain unpunished while international law is neither congruent nor consistently enforced. Those worried about their own security would do well to protect themselves through technology as well as legislation.

    In the third period, I thought we took the game over. We were right there to win and it was a game that was a tough one to lose because we really had a chance there at the end to even it up.

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