Tom Schatz Quotes on Congress (10 Quotes)

    Despite a record 427 billion deficit predicted for fiscal 2005, members of Congress are engaging in the worst form of blatant self-interest larding the budget with pork for home districts and states,

    Pork-barrel spending illustrates and contributes to the meltdown of spending restraint in Washington. Instead of averting an impending fiscal crisis, members of Congress are grabbing the spoils to support their own re-election.

    With all the special interests in Washington clamoring for handouts from a spendthrift Congress, the fight against big government is an uphill battle. Thanks to people like Sen. Chambliss, taxpayers have a fighting chance and will continue to score victories,

    For 700 million, the Congress could certainly do a lot more to help people that are still without homes. It's certainly unclear what this has to do with an emergency. It sounds like a wish list from the senators from Mississippi.

    I would like to once again ask members of Congress to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves whether their parochial pork projects are really more important than our national and fiscal security.

    Everyone's opening up their wallets to help (Katrina's victims) -- except members of Congress, who are opening up our wallets.

    Large contractors give lots of money to these members of Congress. They always have. That's the way things are done.

    Members of Congress are well aware that we are about to face massive debts and deficits, and we're spending for an entrance to a museum It's just not a national priority under any circumstance, and less so when we've got to spend billions to clean everything up (in the Gulf).

    In the past, some members of Congress have short-changed troops, disaster victims, and taxpayers by including self-serving pork projects in emergency spending bills,

    In 2004, Congress wasted tax dollars like never before. Very few members of Congress are working to ease the tax and regulatory burden of a cumbersome, bloated federal government,

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