Tomas Kaberle Quotes (14 Quotes)

    Obviously we see (the out-of-town scoreboard) in the stadium. You look at the time and it's right there beside it.

    It's hard to face this loss. During many parts of the match none of us were on the Swedes, everybody was looking at them. We didn't play.

    It's probably the best memory you could have of my dad.

    It's always tough when someone gets hurt, but we hope he will be fine. But we're comfortable with both of them.

    A bronze medal would be nice too, but its a big disappointment.

    Mats has been a great leader for us. We are never going to give up. We got four games left. We'll take them one at a time.

    That's what made the difference. We knew that to stay back and wait for them would make it worse for us. We pressured them hard, because this team plays good in the neutral zone. We didn't leave too many pucks in there and that was the key for us.

    It's going to be tough. It's going to be a hard battle. Any goal is going to make the difference.

    For sure, we took too many penalties late in the game. But we took advantage while they were in the box.

    But we can't dwell on that. We have guys here who have to step up. We need points right now and we have to play better together as a team.

    We didn't give Milan much help. It doesn't matter who is in net, if you don't help them, especially against a team like Sweden, you are not going to win.

    They've got a good goalie and they play good in five-man units. I'd say it will be close and special teams may be the difference. So we'd like to stay out of the box a little more.

    You know Mats will never give up. He works so hard in practice and he is the last guy to leave the gym. It's good for the young guys to see that.

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