Tommy John Quotes (5 Quotes)

    Always give 100, and youll never have to second-guess yourself.

    We talked about baseball and how it has changed in the minor leagues. Since I played, the change is just phenomenal. The growth in minor league baseball is outstanding.

    You have to re-learn how to pitch. The difference is astronomical. Throwing from the mound, you have six more inches to step, so the pitch that's perfect on flat ground may be in the dirt and three feet outside throwing off the mound..

    When I had it done in 1974, I didn't think it would be the epidemic it is right now. It's absolutely inexcusable. Personally I think it borders on child abuse. You get a parent that sees a kid that has pretty good ability and will hire coaches. They'll train year-round and then they'll wonder why their arm goes at 13 years old.

    You're going to feel good. But no matter how much rehab you do, you can't speed up the healing process. I'd rather a guy come back in 14 months and pitch seven, eight, nine more years than come back in 10 months and get hurt again. You can't mess with mom and dad Mother Nature and Father Time. Nature will heal it if you give it time.

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